
Las Vegas Criminal Attorney Blog


False Allegations of Domestic Violence in Nevada: How to Fight Back

False Allegations of Domestic Violence in Nevada: How to Fight Back Domestic violence charges in Nevada carry serious legal consequences, including jail time, mandatory counseling fines, and a permanent criminal record. They also carry “collateral consequences” that jeopardize employment options, second amendment (firearm) rights, child custody cases in family court…


How Prior Domestic Violence Convictions Affect Sentencing in Nevada

How Prior Domestic Violence Convictions Affect Sentencing in Nevada: Case Studies and Legal Consequences Domestic violence charges in Nevada are taken very seriously, with harsh penalties that escalate with each subsequent conviction. Nevada’s legal system imposes increasingly severe sentences for individuals who have prior domestic violence convictions, and the impact…


The Difference Between White Collar Crimes in Nevada State and Federal Court

The Difference Between White Collar Crimes in Nevada State and Federal Court White-collar crimes, often associated with fraud, embezzlement, bribery, and financial deception, carry serious legal consequences in both Nevada state and federal courts. While these crimes generally involve non-violent, financially motivated conduct, the complexity of prosecuting them differs depending…


How Misunderstandings Can Lead to Battery Domestic Violence Charges in Nevada

How Misunderstandings Can Lead to Battery Domestic Violence Charges in Nevada: A Closer Look at Las Vegas BDV arrests and Defense Strategies In Nevada, battery domestic violence (BDV) is a serious crime with life-changing consequences. However, not every charge of domestic violence is clear-cut. In fact, many cases stem from…


Understanding the Difference Between Assault and Battery Under Nevada Law

Understanding the Difference Between Assault and Battery Under Nevada Law In Nevada, the terms “assault” and “battery” are often used interchangeably in everyday conversation, but they have distinct legal meanings and consequences. Knowing the difference between these two offenses is crucial, especially if you or someone you know is facing…


Rule 5 Hearings in Federal Court: What you need to know

Understanding a Rule 5 Hearing in Federal Court   Navigating the federal criminal justice system can be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with its procedures and terminology. One of the initial steps in a federal criminal case is the Rule 5 hearing. This crucial hearing serves as the defendant’s first…


Understanding Nevada’s Drug Laws: From Possession to Trafficking

Understanding Nevada’s Drug Laws: From Possession to Trafficking Navigating Nevada’s drug laws can be a complex and overwhelming experience for anyone facing charges. Whether you are accused of simple possession or trafficking a controlled substance, the consequences can be severe and life-altering. As one of the most stringent states in…


How to Get Lower Bail or an Own Recognizance Release in Nevada

How to Get Lower Bail or an Own Recognizance Release in Nevada Facing criminal charges and the possibility of spending time in jail while awaiting trial can be a daunting experience. For many, the ability to secure bail or an own recognizance (OR) release can make a significant difference in…


How to Build a Defense for a Felony Residential Burglary Charge in Nevada

How to Build a Defense for a Felony Residential Burglary Charge in Nevada Being charged with felony residential burglary in Nevada is a serious matter that carries harsh penalties, including lengthy prison sentences and hefty fines. Nevada law defines burglary as entering a building with the intent to commit a…


The Difference Between Residential Burglary and Home Invasion in Nevada: Understanding Nevada Law After 2020

The Difference Between Residential Burglary and Home Invasion in Nevada: Understanding Nevada Law After 2020 In Nevada, both burglary and home invasion are serious criminal offenses that carry significant legal consequences. While these crimes both involve entering a building or dwelling unlawfully, the distinctions between them under Nevada law are…

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