How to Select the Best Lawyer for a Las Vegas Domestic Violence Charge Facing a domestic violence charge in Las Vegas can be a stressful, life-altering event. It’s crucial to approach the situation with the right legal representation to protect your rights and achieve the best possible outcome. However, determining…
Articles Posted in Criminal Defense Attorney
What a Nevada Supreme Court Opinion Means for Bail in Las Vegas:
On April 9, 2020, the Nevada Supreme Court issued a published opinion in the case of Valdez-Jimenez v. Eighth Judicial District Court, 136 Nev. Adv. Op. 20. This decision made an impactful change to the procedure and restrictions in place that allow Nevada Courts to issue cash bail decisions for…
COVID-19’s Impact on Nevada’s Inmate Population
The current COVID-19 crisis is at the forefront of many Nevada citizens’ minds as individuals practice social distancing, wearing safety gear, and working remotely. One demographic that might be overlooked at this time are individuals who are currently incarcerated. As this public health crisis has developed, it quickly became clear…
Arrested Visiting Las Vegas? What You Need to Know.
There are countless attractions, conventions and events that come to Las Vegas on an annual basis which draw large crowds. Among the notable occasions which attract huge crowds of tourists and out of town guests are the National Finals Rodeo, The Las Vegas Strip New Year’s Eve Celebration, NASCAR Weekend,…
Las Vegas Justice Court Issues Newly Revised Standard Bail Schedule
In previous posts to this Blog, the law office of Hofland & Tomsheck has written information on the standardized bail schedules utilized by various Courts in Las Vegas and Clark County Nevada. As with all things, this information is subject to change and updating. On May 21, 2015, the Las…
“I was arrested, but they never read me my rights”
“I wasn’t read my rights when I was arrested. Was the arrest legal?” “Can I be prosecuted if I was never read my rights?” This issue comes up often when people have their first contact with the police or are arrested. In fact, we are often asked questions related to…
What will my bail be? The Las Vegas Justice Court Standard Bail schedule
NOTE: EFFECTIVE MAY 26, 2015, THE LAS VEGAS JUSTICE COURT BAIL SCHEDULE HAS CHANGED. PLEASE SEE OUR BLOG POST DATED MAY 21, 2015 FOR THE UPDATED BAIL SCHEDULE REFLECTED HERE: One of the more common questions asked by people contacting my office after they, or a family member, has been arrested…